[Event] Yaba To The World j
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[Event] Yaba To The World


Yaba To The World is a yearly event done by DJ Yorgzy a Nigeria citizen that base in London.

The Goal of Yaba To The World is to put Yaba on map so it will be well Known to the world.

Yaba To The World as been done in two different countries including London.

Note Yaba To The World is a free Event so we using this medium to tell you that your favorite artist will be coming to Yaba on the 7th of May.

Yaba To The World is a project organized by DJ Yorgzy and Friends with the goal of putting Yaba on the global map by showcasing the achievements, talents, skills, and development of the great Yaba community, which is home to tech, music, and other great industries.

A platform for creating something iconic that will be cherished and valued by every family in Yaba, it is set to provide an all-around experience and the desire to discover, groom, and celebrate talents among Yaba indigenes through a series of events that have been streamlined for the benefit of the constituents of Yaba.

The second edition of this project, which incorporates technology, arts, and entertainment and is in collaboration with the office of the Chairman of the Yaba Local Council Development Area

Let All of Us Get Our Dancing Shoes Ready Now😉


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